Along the Silk Road par Tyler Palma
Nikon, Awards Winning Photographs
Richebé Bertrand – Le transibérien
Robot-ninja-pirate-tiger [Galerie tumblr.com]
Stasonbros.com : LЁLIK et STAS STASON
Blog audio sur la photographie
Trucs, astuces, conseils photo …
Un jour une photo un blog … photo !
Blog photo de Médecin du monde, Canada
Thank you. Sounds obvious, huh? You’d be surprised how wholesale cheap jerseys often the words are overlooked. Be sure to thank the potential client cheap jerseys china for the opportunity to present to them. Tell them you respect how valuable their time is and that you appreciate their Cheap Football Jerseys China giving some of it to you.
Provide an outline. Prepare an agenda of what you will be presenting. This gives the potential client an idea of what to expect.
State your expectation. Let the potential client know up front what you expect they will get from the proposal. This lets them know how you want them to respond to the proposal. You may say something like, « after I have completed the presentation, you will be able to see how my services give cheap jerseys shop you much greater value for less money. »
Sell yourself along with wholesale nhl jerseys the product or service. Don’t be afraid Cheap Custom Jerseys to toot your own horn. Come prepared with a resume of your qualifications or wholesale jerseys shop summary of your experience or accounts you personally manage. People buy from people and because of people not the services or products sold.
Be needs based. Don’t try to propose what the potential client doesn’t need. Be realistic and check in with the potential client. Otherwise, don’t waste your time or their time with the proposal.
State the results. Often sales people leave this step out and expect the prospect will « get it. » State the results that your product or service will deliver. Be careful not to overstate and be honest about the outcome. Underpromising and overdelivering will pay off.
Use media. Make your proposal interesting by painting a picture of your product or services. Do a hands on demonstration, or use charts, graphs, etc. Get your prospect involved and imagining their use of the product or service during the proposal.
Talk about the money. This is where sales people get uncomfortable and hesitate. State the cost and explain all costs. Don’t keep anything hidden. Don’t be embarrassed by the pricing. Expect the client will not be scared by the costs. Don’t judge their pocketbooks.
Follow up. Don’t leave the presentation without agreed upon follow up. Wholesale Custom NFL Jerseys Select the next logical step and get the potential client to agree to it. It may be meeting again, visiting a customer using the product or service, or coming to your office for another presentation of some sort. Choose the date and time and make a firm commitment before you walk out the door.
« No » doesn’t mean it’s over. Some of my proposals have been rejected by the prospect the first time. I don’t pout. I just continue my relationship with them. I keep in touch through calls, mailings, newsletters and invitations to seminars. You never wholesale nhl jerseys know when wholesale jerseys from china the right time may be or the mood may shift. Many initial « nos » have become « yeses » later on. Keep in touchArticles Connexes: